Happy New Year

New Year’s Resolutions
Home: I’d like to get existing artwork and pictures hung around the house.
School: Be taking classes no later than Fall 2010.
Work: I’d like to have enough work to bring in an income of $1,000 a month without going back to a traditional job.
Fun: I’d like to make two more trips to Disneyland before our Annual Pass expires, preferably with people who have not yet been.
Health: I’d like to eat mindfully, exercise regularly, and weigh 120 lbs.
Lifestyle: I’d like to remain spontaneous and be more adventurous.
I’ve never actually written down New Year’s Resolutions before, but I felt rather inclined to start. I’m trying to make big picture resolutions so I can break them down into small, attainable goals. My resolution for health may take the whole year while I might be able to get pictures hung before the end of January. I believe that each of my goals are realistic, and it gives me something positive to focus on in the coming year.
Have you created resolutions for the new year? I’d love to hear why or why not. Please, leave a comment below or follow me on twitter here.

I hope everyone does something they love to do in welcoming the new year. I know I’ve spent December 31st in many different ways and plan on having a blast at this year’s party. I’m sharing some of my resolutions with you for a couple different reasons, one of which is accountability. I’d love to hear from you and share what I have or have not accomplished in the coming year.

I’ve never actually written down New Year’s Resolutions before, but I felt rather inclined to start. I’m trying to make big picture resolutions so I can break them down into small, attainable goals. My resolution for health may take the whole year while I might be able to get pictures hung before the end of January. I believe that each of my goals are realistic, and it gives me something positive to focus on in the coming year.

New Year’s Resolutions:

  • Home: I’d like to get existing artwork and pictures hung around the house.
  • School: Be taking classes no later than Fall 2010.
  • Work: I’d like to have enough work to bring in an income of $1,000 a month without going back to a traditional job.
  • Fun: I’d like to make two more trips to Disneyland before our Annual Pass expires, preferably with people who have not yet been.
  • Health: I’d like to eat mindfully, exercise regularly, and weigh 120 lbs.
  • Lifestyle: I’d like to remain spontaneous and be more adventurous.

Have you created resolutions for the new year? I’d love to hear why or why not. Please, leave a comment below or follow me on twitter here.



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