For His Mother

I needed to make a return to Hobby Lobby while I was out and about the other day and decided to use my exchange and an old gift card right away. I needed to make a Mother’s Day card for my mom-in-law so with that in mind I happily roamed the aisles.

I didn’t have any supplies with me so I knew I would need a card and envelope. I’ve cleaned out my notecard supply so I grabbed a pack of white cards and envelopes. I could have bought glue at the store but didn’t want to mess with it so I took my time in the sticker aisle. I struck gold, however, in the section of rub ons. There were some alphabets on clearance with great fonts and a quote stack specifically for cards. The best part was that the card rub ons are in color!


I flipped through the stack twice before deciding on the theme to use. It’s full of friendship, birthdays, sympathy, and gratitude so I decided to thank Karen for being the best Mom ever.



I also added to the bottom “we love love love you,” which is one love per kid in AZ.




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